
Байгаль орчин болон хөдөлмөрийн аюулгүй байдал, эрүүл ахуй



Shunkhlai LLC has implemented the international standards into its business operations step by step and has fully ensured the integrated management system by implementing the ISO 9001:2008-Quality Management System in 2012, and both the “ISO 14001:2004-Environmental Management System” and the “OHSAS 18001:2007-Occupational Health and Safety Management System” in 2014, respectively.


We are committed to a rule of law and public interests by emphasizing quality, occupational health and safety, environmental sustainability and accident prevention through constant improvement of integrated management system based on skillful employees that value the development and the advanced technologies friendly to the environment and human beings.


Shunkhlai LLC makes it a priority goal to avoid where possible, environmental impacts by its operations, minimize and mitigate those impacts and grow as a team providing environmentally friendly services, in order to achieve which, many programs are implemented.

In order to intorduce and maintain further sustainability of the Environmental Management System, the company has developed 12 internal rules, implementation of which by every employee will enable effective implementation of a main criteria and principles for environmentally friendly performance.

Due to the specifics of our business of having branches, throughout the country, we set annual objectives for environmental protection and prepare detailed action plans in cooperation with local communities and the local governments and carefully monitor the implementation of such plans.

Our Goals for Environment Protection:

All measures will be taken to prevent soil contamination  – our main products can potentially cause a soil contamination, hence all the possible measures are taken and tools and devices are used to prevent leakage and spill over and employee education in this respect will be ensured.

All possible conbtributions will be made to combat air pollution –vehicle emissions are one of the major causes of air pollution. Therefore, we make it our principle to import high quality, fully combustible and low emission petroleum products.

Waste management will be further improved – Higher the human consumption higher the waste as a result. We will implement the sustainable waste management by introducing waste sorting and recycling.

Conservation of energy consumption – every person’s knowledge and habit of reducing inefficient energy consumption and introduction of advanced modern technologies and equipment will contribiute to less energy production and diminishing global warming effects.

Fundamental criteria for successful implementation of the environmental management system is based on the laws and standards of Mongolia, needs and requirement of our clients, and the values  of Mongols to preserve the nature for their future generations.



Shunkhlai LLC is committed to ensuring health and safety of its employees, customers, and consumers, which we see as our long-term responsibility and culture of OHSAS.  In order to introduce the Occupational Health and Safety Management System on sustainable basis, the company has newly developed 13 internal rules accompanied by 78 guidelines and instructions for the company’s internal enforcement to enable regular learning of safe operations skills and create safe working conditions for our employees to go back home every evening with no threat to their health.

We pay attention to the work environment of our employees at our branches and offices throughout the country and prepare annual targets for occupational safety and health and respective action plans in detail, followed by regular monitoring of the plan implementation.


Our goals of the occupational health and safety:

  • Reduce the number and take the control of high-risk hazards – regular analysis to be conducted on high risk jobs with monitoring by each and everyone
  • Reduce the number of workplace accidents – in order to ensure accident free working environment, the accident information sheet is introduced to report near miss cases and foresee potential risk conditions to take appropriate remedies and preventive measures.
  • Reduce the number of man-days lost caused by accidents –Every employee focusing on both his/her own and his/her colleagues’ safety, can reduce the number of man-days lost and prevent any accidents.
  • Increase training hours and be a work environment with occupational health and safety culture – Regular stage-by-stage trainings to instill the employees with a capability to foresee potential threats in a workplace.  

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