Shunkhlai LLC is the first petroleum trading company to issue MNT based pre-paid branded fuel purchase card in the industry. It is a co-branded prep-paid card issued jointly by “Shunkhlai LLC” and the Trade and Development Bank to offer vehicle owners and business organizations with non-cash payment settlement service that enables to effectively manage their fuel expenses.
Discounts and rewards are given to the customers based on the purchase amount. Post-paid “Shunkhlai Fuel Card” allows customers to have an overdraft facility on a credit basis.
The “Shunkhlai Fuel Gift Card” is the most useful gift that can be used by the cardholder further to enjoy full benefits of discounts and rewards eligible for such card.
Дараа төлбөрт “Шунхлай шатахууны карт” нь дансандаа мөнгө байршуулалгүйгээр зээлийн эрх нээлгэх боломжтой дээд зэрэглэлийн төлбөрийн хэрэгсэл юм.
Шунхлай шатахууны картын давуу тал:
Дараа төлбөрт карт:
“Шунхлай шатахууны бэлгийн карт” нь эрхэмлэн хүндэлж явдаг хүндээ өгөх хамгийн хэрэгцээт бэлэг болохоос гадна карт эзэмшигч нь картыг цаашид ашиглаж, хөнгөлөлттэй үнээр шатахуун авах боломжтой юм.